Quiet dimmer for led lights
Quiet dimmer for led lights

quiet dimmer for led lights

  • Using a dimmable LED lamp like these GE Lighting bulbs.
  • You should first check whether the prerequisites for trouble-free operation are met: The occurrence of low-frequency humming is a common problem. When operating LED lamps on a dimmer, a number of difficulties can arise. The switch to a completely identical model of the same type and manufacturer will only help in rare cases. If the LED illuminate emits annoying noises, the only solution is to replace it with a lamp of the same type but of a different type or manufacturer. In the following sections the most frequent problem cases and causes of the noises are described.

    quiet dimmer for led lights

    The occurrence and the intensity depend on certain conditions. Depending on the design of the electronics and the choice of components, the vibrations generated may also be audible outside the lamp. The manufacturers try to prevent the components from vibrating by impregnating them with resin, for example. Sometimes the switching frequency still lies in the audible frequency spectrum. Such power supplies work with a switching frequency in the kilohertz range, whereby the components can also be excited to vibrate. High-frequency noises can be generated by the switching power supply.

    #Quiet dimmer for led lights driver

    The LED driver usually contains capacitors for smoothing the voltage.

    quiet dimmer for led lights

    Furthermore there are some coils or chokes for the intermediate storage of energy as well as for the avoidance of EMC disturbances.

    quiet dimmer for led lights

    This part of the electronics contains, among other things, a small transformer for transforming the voltage. The switching power supply generates the operating voltage for the LED’s from the 120V mains voltage. This electronics consists of several components. With LED lamps, driver electronics are integrated for example with LED ceiling lights, the driver is usually located in the base. The main cause of noise can usually be found in the LED driver of the lamp. This also means that a shorter LED lifespan must not be expected. Can damage occur?Įven if the humming and whistling noises seem strange at first, in most cases they have no influence on the operation of the lamps. You can check out these Cree Light bulbs or these Sylvania Light Bulbs on Amazon. There are some types of LED bulbs on the market which don’t make any noise according to thousands of customers. Nevertheless, the no-name products tend to have such side effects more often, which is certainly due to the cost savings during production. It doesn’t matter whether they are cheap no-name lamps or branded ones. In my experience, the noise can occur with all LED lamps. This is also the reason why the same LED lamp does not necessarily make a sound to every buyer. The effect can have different causes and is evoked by certain conditions. In most cases, the noises such as buzzing or humming do not indicate a defect. However, even a low hum can be very annoying, for example in the living room lighting or above the dining table. Humming sounds normally occur at a frequency of 120 Hz, i.e. Especially high-frequency buzzing is often perceived as a tinnitus, especially by younger people. Such noises with the recently purchased LED lamp often causes astonishment and annoyance. The noise can be different and is often described as follows by different people: Some LED lamps do not only produce light during operation but also generate noises.

  • Conclusion – humming and buzzing is annoying.

  • Quiet dimmer for led lights